Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We have over 1500+ parking spots available. 0 – 30 minutes Free, 30 minutes – 2 hours Ksh 50, 2 – 3 hours Ksh 100. Any Additional hour or part of it Ksh 100

Yes. We have 8 Banking facilities at the mall. Just navigate to stores on the menu and click Banking & Financial

Yes. Click on store locations or BBS Mall Map, then select floor you want to see the layout for.

Not at the moment. We are working on having a cinema facility in the near future. However we have a play zone for both adults and kids

Yes. Click on our Events and offers page to see our latest events

You can visit our office on the third floor or call the numbers on our website

Yes. Our facilities are accessible for people living with disabilities. We have lifts and ramps